The back is one of my all-time favorite Judaic print - I wish they'd bring it back, I'm running out!
And second, this matzoh cover,which isn't finished yet. The pentagon is English Paper Pieced, using Sewing by Sarah's handy acrylic templates*. I'm crazy about this background fabric, and just can't figure out whether I like this piece more as a square....
...Or as a rectangle?
With a rectangle, more of the fabulous print shows! Your vote counts!
[UPDATE: The vote - on my blog and social media - was a near tie. So I chose both! I couldn't bear to cut off the excess, so I folded it to the back, and added panels of Passover fabric to create overlapping flaps. Now this gift can be used as a pillow, if the giftee inserts a 14" pillow form - or simply as a matzoh cover!]
The trompe l'oeil matzoh fabric - so realistic you may want to butter it - as well as the charming Passover fabric above is from Here's a well-stuffed matzoh ball I made from former fabric:
It's a truncated octahedron, and the directions are in my polyhedron book. And for 24 more ideas about what to make with matzoh fabric, check out this blog post. It's never too early to start sewing for Passover!
* I have written patterns and directions for Sewing by Sarah, and been compensated for them, but I do not profit from sales of their EPP templates. I did write their free beginner's guide to EPP, that you can download here.