1. Quilty cyberfriends
2. Increased production. A lame finished quilt that I can photograph for my blog is better than a lame UFO* that I can't show anyone, crammed into my Scary Shelf.
3. Shorter prose. My first year of blog entries were long. Now they're relative semaphores. This may be due to increased practice, laziness, dementia, or all three.
While musing on #3 one day, I happened across a quotation by novelist Stephen King, whose scary books I can't read, but whose writing advice rocks:
"The road to hell," he said, "is paved with adverbs."
It struck such a chord that I decided to make it into a quilt:
So** TRUE! My spoken language is utterly full of words like utterly, completely, literally, practically, and the cliche of my adopted state, the California 'totally.' On my second and third blog edits, I've learned to slash 'em, not to mention the very's and deeply's.
In researching this quilt, I plowed through** an exhausting yet non-comprehensive list of 3732 adverbs, and used the ones I most hate to love (and vice versa), sometimes on related fabric.

The last adverb in the maze is "ultimately," on a background which appears to be burning.
There's novelty fabric galore. The "All That" faces were from a strange thrift shop shirt.
No, honey, not
As for the technicalities - the words are, of course, rubber-stamped. There were too many to embroider, or cut out and applique
I was torn about whether to add this little guy.
I finally put him on, on the upper right.
Let me reiterate that I don't
I attributed the quotation along the bottom - it says "Quotation by Stephen King," followed by more favorites.
Which adverbs haunt you?
*Unfinished Object
**Unusual adverb. Really. Which ones did I miss?