For the occasion, I made this festive banner, which, even more importantly, used up a lot of my excess dreidel fabric:
It's overseen by an unimpressed bird:
(Originally blogged here.) Thanksgivvukah also inspired me to crochet a flock of turkey menorahs, and now I don't know what to do with my extras. (Free pattern on the bottom of this page.)
With steely resolve, I am striving make a clean break from Thanksgivvukah, since this coincidence won't happen again for 77,000 years. So this year, I hung this totally turkey-free Chanukah quilt I concocted shortly after I began quilting. I called it Semi-Amish Dreidels, because of the color scheme.
I wish I remembered how I made it! It involved a lot of solids, strip sets, prairie points, and, of course, totally non-Amish buttons.
Another golden oldie: This quilt is called "Nine of Anything," because I used nine things cut from novelty fabrics to make custom menorahs (aka hanukiot).
Including a gummi bear menorah....

And, of course, an Elvis menorah, memorializing his little-known but bona fide Jewish heritage.
A couple of hand stitches with blue embroidery thread at the bottom of each candle flame creates a little realism. The words to "Rock of Ages" are freemotion stitched into the background.
These are fun to make, and don't take long if you just want to make a single menorah. Pick a novelty fabric, put fusible web on the back, cut out nine things, arrange them artistically on a background, press, then zig-zag all the way around everything! And try not to think about turkeys. Whoops, I'm sorry I said that.
Great job!!