Sunday, September 28, 2014

Marshmallows and Solid Fabrics Cure Lots of Things

In our last several installments, in a daringly unoriginal yet effective attempt to have fun, I cut out squares and rectangles, centered them on other squares and rectangles, and zig-zag stitched them down.
As you can well imagine, after three weeks of this,  (123) I became flippin' sick of squares. So I decided to cut corners, make freeform ovals, gluestick and zig-zag stitch those down, arranging them in a linear rather than a centered fashion, overlapping as I moved up. Here's where that got me:

Cute, no? At first I titled it Cairns. But these are hardly somber Celtic stacks. In fact, the more I looked, the more I thought: S'mores.
This particular  quilt is only about 20" wide, but I think on a larger scale, a bunch of s'more stacks could be a good concept for a baby quilt. 

And speaking of babies, by the time I was finished, I was also getting sick of my solid collection. which hadn't been refreshed since the Clinton Administration (Mazel tov, Chelsea!). 

So I treated myself to a trip to the LQS, where - talk about your cost-effective psychotherapy - I made myself a thrilling little pile of sparkling lush new Kona solids. I limited myself to eight and bought a quarter-yard of each. Thus, at about $7 bucks a yard. I exited the store having spent less than $30, temporarily cured of most psychosomatic complaints. See if it works for you. (Or do it vicariously through this picture. Instructions: Stare at it for 10 seconds. Close your eyes. Sip a fruity sangria.)
Do you feel better yet? I sure do! 


  1. i love these colors especially the mango next to the eggplant! i do feel better already so funny you mentioned it, i too take a holiday from squares work and do a circle mess around for a bit chop up the circles half, then quarter and reassemble any way that pleases! great therapy. those some mores are adorable and have driven me into the kitchen looking for last years Halloween frozen candy stash....

    1. Sonja, you can freeze Halloween candy? I don't think I wanted to know that! I'm glad you enjoy similar therapy! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love solids, s'mores, and this quilt!!

  3. Cathy, your marshmellows are great. They made me smile and I agree that more of them would make a great baby quilt. Maggie Winfield

    1. Thank you so much, Maggie, I appreciate your vote of confidence!

  4. Clever idea. I love the colors of your new fabrics!

    1. Thanks, Carol! Shopping for solids is so therapeutic!


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