Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fabric Saves World in So Many Ways! News Roundup Part 11,678-83

1. Fabric saves world! No more need for paper towels! Make these cool hanging things instead! Fabulous idea here.

2. Packing hot cooking pots in a thick fabric bag with lots of batting helps people in developing nations as well as rich nations use less energy and natural resources! Here is how it works.  Another excellent article here.

3. Blankies help suffering people! Quilts for people with dementia, or people in difficult places.

4. Modern Quilting revives the quilt world! The quilting population was heavily senior, until "modern" quilters came along. They're young and they're saving the day, beautifully and con gusto!

5. Colorful fabric becomes feminine hygiene equipment becomes the ability to go to school and work for girls in developing countries. That's the importance of the Days for Girls project. News coverage here.  

How is fabric saving your world?


  1. You got a million Gold Awards there. I'm just saying.

    1. I was a Campfire Girl. I don't think they'll give me a Gold Award (or giant beads) at this late date. My offspring is less interested in anything involving fabric. Now if only Cosplay could save the world.....

  2. Wow! Thanks for the great links. Especially the Days for Girls project. Talk about things we take for granted...

    1. Your'e welcome, Miriam. Days for Girls was a huge eye opener for me. As soon as I get some time I'm going to make some of that stuff. What I really like is that the more colorful the fabric, the better, because of the young women's modesty and shame over blood stains. Great fabric saves the day, literally!


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