Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Exploding Matzoh, and Other Tiny Quilts for Passover

Last week I showed off some springy/Easterish quilted postcards. This week: Passover. In all of these cards, the fun is in the trompe l'oeil matzoh fabric. (Sold here.)

Fiber postcards measure 4 1/2"x 6", just like a regular postcard.  These were made for a swap. I couldn't pick just one theme, so I did a variety.

First, a Passover seder plate (the plate is represented by a circle of shiny silver lame). It holds the six ritual items spelled out in Hebrew, plus unlabeled oval of quilted matzoh fabric in the middle.  Silver metallic thread holds everything down and keeps the edges together.
Clockwise from the top, we have charoset (an apple-raisin dish, represented by a bit of apple fabric), chazeret (a bitter vegetable, represented by a brownish-gold leaf), beitzah, (egg), maror (another bitter herb), karpas (greens/parsley), and zeroa (shankbone)  from a Day of the Dead fabric! 
Same idea, mostly the same fabrics, different plate: 

This card depicts an exploding matzoh (with the helpful word 'matzoh' in Hebrew).

Here we have an experimental symbolic matzoh cover magically parting (over the Red Sea?), to reveal the Hebrew word for Passover (pronounced 'Pesach', reading from right to left.)

And now, for something completely different, a card onto which I packed all ten plagues. The purple drops represent the wine we spill or drip from our cups as a sign of sorrow for the afflicted.
Reading right to left, top row first:  Blood; frogs, lice; wild animals; cattle disease, boils; hail, locusts; darkness, death of the first born.

Let us take a moment. Geez. Even on a cute little postcard, the plagues are pretty sobering. Which is, after all, the point. 

Next, plagues again, this time in stripes, with a lightning bolt on the left and a frog entering stage right. 

Finally, on Passover we read that "with a strong hand, God brought us out of Egypt." So here's the metaphorical  hand, cut from literal commercial fabric, pointing the way through a maze of matzoh madness. 

Want to make something with the names of plagues or seder plate contents? I've made up printable PDFs which you can download for free, from my pattern page. here. (or click on the link to 'My Patterns' on the upper right.) Print them onto fabric or paper, cut them out, and apply them to whatever you like!

I've also those labels on larger quilted objects, like this large matzoh cover. I call it "Spilled Wine and Plagues" matzoh cover.
Many more ideas for quilted matzoh fabric are on my Judaiquilt website, here. 

Whatever you celebrate, wishing you a happy, healthy, and sweet springtime holiday! 


  1. Dear Cathy,
    LOVE the matzoh fabric--what a serendipitous find! Happy Passover.


  2. You are so brilliant and hilarious. Thank you for being you and sharing your talent with us! Have a wonderful Passover.

    1. Jeri, you are too kind, but we are not alone in our brilliance! You and your family are card-carrying members of the club!!!


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