I finished it just like that, with the pyramid shape and a dark grey binding. I hoped it was done, right up to the moment that it occurred to me that if I turned the thing upside down, and added another kaleidoscopic formation to the bottom.....
...it would become an exclamation point!
I love punctuation, so I stitched that "dot" to the bottom. The dot has quilted 60 degree triangles popping out from the edges. I enjoyed looking at this formation for a while, until I turned the whole thing upside-down again....
...and it became a snowflake on a mountain top!? Or the eye on the pyramid, on the US dollar bill? One person saw a Christmas tree; someone else saw a resting diamond with a gleam on top! What do you see?
Whatever, it's much easier to make this than it looks, and it's one of the three projects in my brand new 54-page e-book, here. The triangles in these projects were mostly improv pieced onto scrap paper; a few of the more complicated ones are foundation paper pieced from the back. Because of the spontaneity, if you try this approach, your quilt will be different from mine, but you will be just as astonished as I was!
Here are some of the 11 "kaleidoscopes" in this quilt. Each is made up of 24 improv pieced equilateral triangles. You can see that some identical triangles went into different formations. These blocks measure about 13" across; If I'd finished each separately, they would have made good wallhangings/table mats. (The book includes directions for a variety of finishes).
Aren't these fun? My next post has a different quilt made this way. My book with step-by-step directions for this quilt and its cousins, "Improv Log Cabin Triangle Kaleidoscope Quilts," is available in my etsy shop, here. An on-demand class, with 30 plus videos, and which includes the book, is here.
I was always drawn to your funky blog. Now, you are amazing...look at your wonderful art and your blog arrangement...my oh my xo
ReplyDeleteO'Q, I so appreciate your support over the years. Thank you, thank you, thank you!